Leicester City Council, Alupro, MetalMatters partner to promote recycling
The Make Metals Matter campaign, launched by Leicester City Council, will target over 140,000 homes in the city to remind people to recycle all of their household metal packaging waste.
It is estimated over 168 million cans, foil trays and aerosol containers are used in Leicester every year. The metal they are made from is endlessly recyclable. According to Leicester City Council, if all the metal packaging used in the city’s homes was collected for recycling, it would help save 4,500 tonnes in carbon emissions, equivalent to taking 950 cars off local roads for a year.
The council says people can easily recycle household metal packaging by rinsing it and putting it in orange bags for kerbside recycling. This includes empty aerosols, food and drink cans, foil trays, metal screw tops from bottles and jars, and aluminium foil.
“The climate emergency has encouraged lots of people to stop and think if there is more that they could be doing to cut their carbon footprints,” said deputy city mayor Councillor Adam Clarke.
“This campaign is a useful reminder of the wide range of metal packaging that can be easily recycled in everyone’s home.
“A simple action like making sure your empty bean tin makes it into your orange bag can help make a really big difference.”
Rick Hindley, executive director of Alupro, said: “It is great to be able to work in partnership with Leicester City Council to promote the recycling of metal packaging.
“This campaign has delivered significant increases in the amount of metal packaging collected for recycling in other parts of the UK, so we are aiming to repeat – and hopefully better this – in Leicester.”