CEO interview: David Burks at Diversified CPC

Burks’ background is rooted in the steel industry, due to family history in the sector. While attending Bowling Green State University in Ohio, he spent his summers working at two different steel mills in the state. After graduating, he worked for another steel company – Worthington Industries – as a customer service representative in the cylinder division. Eventually he joined the outside sales team, covering three states.
“After a few months in this territory, my boss asked if my wife and I (and our two-year-old twins and four-month-old son) wanted to move to New England to help grow our business in that region,” said Burks. Burks agreed and over the years, they moved a few more times as he took on other roles in sales and operations. Eventually, they landed in Columbus, Ohio.
“I spent approximately 25 years at Worthington...