
BAMA releases UK filling figures for 2022

UK Aerosol filling held up remarkably well in 2022, despite the host of supply issues which the industry faced. Patrick Heskins, BAMA Chief Executive, takes us through some of the key figures, which can be viewed in full here: BAMA 2022 Aerosol Filling Figures
“As always, Personal Care products dominated, with a record 71% of the total volume filled. There was the ongoing small decline in the filling of deodorants/body sprays, but this was more than compensated for with a stunning 11% increase in antiperspirants.
“The haircare category saw a 19% increase as dry shampoo and root concealers grow in popularity, with a wider range of options for consumers to try, whilst we appear to have hit 'peak beard' as the number of shaving products filled has stabilised.
The aerosol package appears to have been the marketers’ choice for a variety of niche products. In fact, the ‘Other personal care products’ category (ie shower gel and mousses, insect repellent, feminine products, depilatory creams) increased by nearly 45%. On the other hand, there was a significant decline of 14% in the number of self-tan aerosols filled last year."
Heskins also pointed out that “the share of household products slipped below the 20% mark for the first time in many years, with a drop off in air freshener output of nearly 13% and the continuing slow decline in production of furniture polish”.
The total volume for Household appears to have been boosted: BAMA said that is because of the inclusion of lubricant sprays, which had previously been reported by the companies under Industrial Aerosols. Indeed, the amount by which each category has changed is very similar.
“There was also a drop in the quantity of hard surface cleaners filled in 2022. Production in the category surged during COVID but as restrictions were eased so did the demand for disinfection products generally. A positive for society maybe, not so good for aerosol manufacturing. Hopefully the improvements in hygiene standards which were seen during and just after COVID, in public spaces and on public transport, will not just disappear now the worst of this infection is behind us,” Heskins added.
The numbers show that filling of medical and pharmaceutical aerosols continues to grow. This category includes medical devices, various OTC medicines and para-pharmacy products, but does not include prescription medicines, such as asthma inhalers. After the initial boost in veterinary and pet care sprays led by the working-from-home need for animal company, the filling volume has probably settled back to the previous years’ average.
Paints and lacquers fillings grew in the year, but there was a small drop in the number of other Automotive products manufactured. Once we take into consideration the shift in lubricant sprays from Industrial aerosols to Household, the Industrial aerosol category shows consistency in production volume with the previous year, said BAMA.
Focussing on some of the smallest numbers, Patrick explained that “the filling of food aerosols has never been a strong sector for the UK fillers, and what was a small volume has now shrunk to insignificance”.
“Likewise, the miscellaneous category, which include novelty products such as silly string and snow sprays, has declined as the regulatory pressure on the propellant gases used for many years starts to have an impact. Many of these products still find their way on to the UK market from overseas manufacturers: whether they actually meet the UK regulatory requirements is something those placing them on the market should check very carefully”.
The growth in personal care generated a 4% swing toward aluminium when compared to tinplate. It should be noted that there are some plastic and glass aerosols filled in the UK but the numbers are very small and production is focussed on two manufacturers, so BAMA is unable to publish those figures.
“We hope 2023 will allow us to get back towards the volumes we enjoyed in the late 2010’s,” Heskins added. “There are certainly a variety of challenges coming our way as an industry, but the consumer demand for products in the aerosol format doesn’t appear to be diminishing which we must use to support our business whilst we develop the next generation of products with ever-increased environmental credentials,” he concluded.


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