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Ball Corp recognises Mexican aerosol plant in sustainability awards

Ball Corporation has highlighted five of its aluminium packaging plants in its R. David Hoover Sustainability Awards.

The five plants, including Ball’s San Luis Potosí aerosol plant in Mexico, were recognised for their progress in areas with the most significant sustainability impact across the company’s operations in safety, energy, water and waste, as well as the promotion of aluminium packaging’s sustainability credentials and engagement within their local communities in 2019.

The R. David Hoover Sustainability Award was established in 2011 in honour of the company’s former chairman, president and CEO, who was a key driver in the development of Ball’s formal sustainability programme.

Ball is awarding one plant in each region of its Global Beverage Packaging sector and one plant in its Aerosol Packaging business with the 2019 R. David Hoover Sustainability Award. The San Luis Potosí plant attained zero total recordable incidents for the year. As Ball’s most electricity efficient aerosol facility in 2018, San Luis Potosí reduced its electricity intensity by almost a further 5% in 2019, boosting its electricity efficiency by 10.4% since 2016. According to Ball, the plant also launched a campaign to educate the public about the sustainability credentials of aluminium and increasing recycling rates.

Bjoern Kulmann, director of global sustainability at Ball, said: “In our ongoing efforts to further enhance the sustainability credentials of aluminium packaging, all of our operations are continuously seeking opportunities to achieve zero accidents, minimise environmental impacts, support their local communities, and educate consumers about the importance of beverage and aerosol can recycling.

“We have seen fantastic results and impacts of by each of our plants in 2019 and congratulate these five plants who went above and beyond in their commitment to sustainability.”

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